Blog – Page 38 – Foundry Outdoors

9mm vs. .45 ACP; Just the Basics

9mm vs. .45 ACP; Just the Basics

Learn the basics about the 9mm vs. .45 ACP caliber debate. If you’re looking to pick a fight with someone try this. Walk into any establishment when handgun aficionados are present. This could be a gun show, drinking establishment, backyard barbeque, or at the handgun case at your local gun dealer. With a few well-educated people around, strike up a...

How to Use Natural and Synthetic Scents to Attract Whitetail Deer

How to Use Natural and Synthetic Scents to Attract Whitetail Deer

     Any experienced and honest deer hunter will tell you that hunting Whitetail Deer is not an easy thing to do and thus, most deer hunters will take any advantage they can get to trick a deer into coming within shooting range so that they can fill their tags. Consequently, using either natural or synthetic deer scents is one of...

Javelina Hunting Guide for Beginners: 4 Helpful Things to Know

Javelina Hunting Guide for Beginners: 4 Helpful Things to Know

If you have ever dreamt of going javelina hunting, these are 4 things you should know.  Image via: By Alan Vernon (Flickr: Collared Peccary crossing the road.) [CC BY 2.0  (], via Wikimedia Commons Hunters today have a lot to be thankful for. Sure, there issues that need to be addressed such as solidifying public access, disease control, and ensuring proper...

The Art of Tracking Whitetail Deer

The Art of Tracking Whitetail Deer

     Judging by the number of books and the number of articles written on the subject, I believe that it is safe to say that Whitetail Deer is the favorite game species among North American big game hunters. However, whitetail habitat differs drastically from region to region and thus, while avid deer hunters in most regions of the U.S. prefer...

A Beginner’s Guide to Hunting Feral Hogs

A Beginner’s Guide to Hunting Feral Hogs

     Unlike the North American Peccary, neither Wild Boar nor Feral Hogs are native to North America. However, ever since Hernando de Soto imported domestic pigs to Tampa Bay, Florida and allowed them escape custody, the U.S. has experienced an ever-growing feral hog epidemic which has led many state wildlife management agencies to declare them an invasive species. Thus, many...

The Beginner's Guide to Squirrel Hunting

The Beginner's Guide to Squirrel Hunting

     In years past, it was a common practice for fathers to teach their sons and/or daughters to hunt small game such as the various species of tree squirrels in order to hone their hunting skills before moving on to large game species such as Whitetail Deer or Wild Turkeys. However, in recent years, this trend seems to have reversed...