Blog – Page 25 – Foundry Outdoors

How to Shoot Sporting Clays for Beginners

How to Shoot Sporting Clays for Beginners

Shooting sporting clays is not only a fun pastime for outdoorsmen, it is also a valuable opportunity to fine-tune some skills needed for bird hunting. Shooting clays has also become known as “golf with a shotgun”, it is a ton of fun and has seen an increase in popularity in the past few decades. General Overview So how does the...

A Year of Deer: Whitetail Biology in the Springtime

A Year of Deer: Whitetail Biology in the Springtime

It’s June and deer season is still months away! Just because you’re not spending all your time in a tree stand doesn’t mean you’re not thinking about deer. After all, what the deer are doing right now will affect your hunting this fall and for years to come. Springtime is a vital period in a whitetail’s life cycle. Early spring,...

What Is Polymer Coated Ammo and Why Do We Use It?

What Is Polymer Coated Ammo and Why Do We Use It?

Ammo comes in all shapes and sizes, but it also comes with different coatings. The most common “coating” for many bullets is a copper jacket. However, there are more options and polymer-coated bullets have been gaining more traction in recent years. Of course, all of these variations have their pros and cons, but let’s dive into polymer-coated ammo and see...

Wildlife and West Nile Virus

Wildlife and West Nile Virus

Summer is upon us, and with the nice weather comes the downside of the season: mosquitoes. The West Nile Virus, a pathogen associated with mosquitoes that causes disease in humans, livestock and wildlife, has been part of life in the United States for the better part of the last two decades. The virus originated in Eurasia and was first detected...

How to Kill A Turkey in the Evening

How to Kill A Turkey in the Evening

A morning in the spring turkey woods is one of the best times to be outside. Walking in the dark, listening to the birds wake up and turkeys gobbling on the roost is exciting and nothing beats hearing those vocal gobblers. It’s great to kill a gobbler right off the bat in the morning or in the late morning when...

Fitness for Hunters

Fitness for Hunters

Being in top shape is by no means a requirement for being a great hunter. I would argue, however, that having a solid fitness base can help make hunting more enjoyable no matter your style of hunting. Even if you’re not planning a multi-day backcountry hunt in mountainous terrain, having good cardiovascular health and strength will help you both in...