Blog – Page 27 – Foundry Outdoors

Ideas for Shooting Practice During an Ammo Shortage

Ideas for Shooting Practice During an Ammo Shortage

  The 2020-2021 COVID-19 pandemic cleared store shelves of lots of things we all took for granted. Liquor distilleries were getting into the hand sanitizer business and your Aunt Linda spent a full afternoon going from store to store to max out their toilet paper-per-customer allotments. When times were uncertain and bread and milk were flying off the shelves, people...

The Basics of Squirrel Hunting

The Basics of Squirrel Hunting

Some people may scoff at the notion of hunting gray and fox squirrels. Moreover, talking about eating squirrels may invite weird looks. I personally have heard the term "tree rat" or "rats with bushy tails" shot my way regularly when bringing up the topic.  Truth be told, squirrels may be a rodent, but they taste great, and a squirrel is honestly...

What Is the Difference Between a Longbow and a Recurve Bow?

What Is the Difference Between a Longbow and a Recurve Bow?

Longbows and recurves have been used for a long time and they are both very effective weapons. Both weapons also look fairly similar, especially to a beginner. Are there really any major differences between the two that makes one of them better than the other? Let’s dive into the construction of these bows and see how that affects their performance....

Asking for Permission to Hunt Private Land

Asking for Permission to Hunt Private Land

While much of today’s focus in the hunting world is on the significance of protecting our public lands for hunting and access, a reality for millions of hunters is that they live nowhere near readily accessible public land for hunting. Private land provides the sole habitat for a large percentage of game animals in the United States for all or...

Mallard Duck Hunting for Beginners | Tips & Tactics to Get Started

Mallard Duck Hunting for Beginners | Tips & Tactics to Get Started

Duck hunting is one of the best sports in the world. As an avid whitetail hunter, I have never been able to quite decide which I love more. Duck hunting is super exciting and a bit faster pace than most types of hunting. Thankfully duck hunting is a bit easier to pick up than most types of hunting. All you...

Five Animal Tracks and How to Identify Them

Five Animal Tracks and How to Identify Them

Even for those who spend a lot of time outdoors in habitat frequented by wildlife, it can be a rare opportunity to actually lay eyes on some of the more elusive species themselves. Some carnivores have fairly large home ranges and occur at low densities, not to mention how well they rely on their senses to avoid humans and stay...